The Wheels Will Still Turn


Size: 25″ x 25½”


I reveal now my political leanings: this was my 2016 post-election trauma piece where I decided, the day after the election, to vent my astonishment, disbelief and utter dismay at the outcome of the U.S. presidential election. I vowed no regret if I didn’t like it and would simply toss it in the trash. Yet this chaotic work that resulted drew approval from my fellow art guild members, so I brought it to completion and gave it its title. I also vow to be more active in support of those causes such as climate change which are greatly in danger in a Trump administration.

The prominent white on black circular designs (the last use I will get out of that fabric scrap) remind us that changes will continue, but not all can be easily reversed, as a wheel in motion has its own impetus and will be hard to alter. There are small parts of wheels peeking out here and there, which represent other aspects of life that may not be as prominent but contain their own momentum. I thought of adding a clock to the center wheel, but the clock kit I used in an earlier piece has rather fragile hands, not what I want here.

All proceeds from the sale of cards or prints will go to the 2024 Democratic presidential candidate, as will at least half of the sale price of the original when sold.

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Collage Type

Original, 8 x 10 Print, Note Card

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