Why to Get Handmade Knit Goods This Winter

a multicolor knit hat made by Tobi

As winter approaches many of us are looking to get hats and mittens. While it’s tempting to go to a big box store, we urge you to reconsider! Often times those knit goods are poorly made, low quality, expensive, and unfortunately can come from ethically questionable factories.

Supporting a local artist who makes knit items is a fantastic way to shop sustainably, and ensure you are getting a cozy knit good!

Higher Quality

When you shop with a local artist, the quality is immensely higher. There’s no rushing, no overloading of tasks, and no quotas. It’s just an artist knitting or crocheting, and safely shipping the item to you!

Support a Local Artist

When you buy handmade knit goods from an artist, you not only make a direct connection but you know exactly where your money is going.

The last two years have been hard on everyone- and taking the extra time to shop local has a direct impact. Your money isn’t going toward a billionaires yacht- it’s going toward someone’s bills, or budget to get more supplies.

Shop Sustainably

Recently, many big companies have come under question for advertising that they are selling hand made goods. The reason they are coming under question is that they were selling their items for a very low price- leading people to question the truth to the companies claim, and the ethics behind it.

When you buy a hand-made knit items from an artist, you can rest assured knowing that it’s high quality, handmade, and anyone involved is properly compensated. At Tobi Collage, I use acrylic yarn, meaning that my knit goods are safe for those with wool allergies. It means that my items can be machine washed and dried, and often can be made in more vibrant colors than traditional wool!

I have been making art for years, and I do it because I love it. I’d love to knit you a pair of mittens or a hat this winter! To view some of my knitted items, or my collages, browse my website. If you have any questions about a piece, please email me at service@tobicollage.com.