The Fast Friday Fabric Challenge for April 2013 fell to me to create, and my theme was “The Eyes Have It!” Setting out to do this challenge, I looked up drawing an eye in a “how to” book for the basic shape. The original picture was in pencil, so there was only dark versus light — and the dark seemed to prevail in what came together! The “eyebrow” is from a fabric scrap from a costume project I did this winter, which had a grey floral border on black fabric, used for a 1910’s mourning dress, but the curve seemed right for an eyebrow. The red of the eye came from another costume scrap. It doesn’t show very much, but above the eye I used some navy blue as “eye shadow”. The netting and a bit of thread painting created the shading in the upper part of the eye.
I had tried out a silver sharpie for lines below the eye, but it wasn’t right. Black ink did not cover it, and unfortunately seeped into the white. I ended up using black foil to cover the silver, and a bit of silver foil to create the reflection of light in the eye.
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